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To provide you with pricing we will need some information from you ...

A map of your area of interest (kmz - shape file - list of coordinates ...)​​


How many pulses / m2 of LiDAR you require?​

2 pulses /m2 is a minimum

4 pulses for areas with minimal vegetation/tree cover 

8 pulses for areas with tree/vegetation (i.e rainforests found on the west coast of North America)

12-16 pulses/m2 for areas with dense veg and dense underbrush

25-50 pulses / m2 for intense vegetation and transmission line detection (i.e. Central American rainforests)​


What kind of accuracy you require?

Our standard accuracy is +/-15cm vertical and +/- 30cm horizontal

Our enhanced accuracy is +/-10cm vertical and +/- 20cm horizontal (requires ground control)


If you would like air photos - what resolution do you require? 20-25 cm for standard resolution and 10-15cm excellent resolution


For our no cost, no obligation proposal, or for further information, please email us at:​​

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